June 7-10, 2023

1) All State and Federal Fish Regulations apply to the Salty Kids FishFest.
2) This is a Youth Angler fishing Rodeo. Participants in the youth division must be 18 years of age or younger by July 30, 2021. *** See Family Division Rules for Adult allowed participation***
3) All FishFest events, including the weigh-in, will be held at Sand Dollar Marina.
4) All eligible fish must be caught by rod, reel, hook and line only.
5) All fish must be weighed on the designated FishFest scale. Only fish weighed on the designated FishFest scale by the FishFest designated Weigh-Master will be eligible for participation. Fish will be weighed one time only. The Weigh-Master has final authority on declaring weights and fish condition (whether fish will be allowed to be weighed) and cannot be overruled by anyone, including committee members. Excessive arguing with FishFest organizers or the Weigh-Master will result in disqualification. Care should be taken not to interfere with the Weigh-Master.
6) No frozen, spoiled, gutted, altered or mutilated fish will be accepted by the Weigh-Master. Fish already weighed, will be designated by the Weigh-Master clipping the dorsal or tail fin.
7) In the event of a tie, the fish that was weighed-in first shall be declared the winner.
8) Registration and Fees:
Registration to guarantee t-shirts will end July 11.
On line registration is available until midnight on Thursday July 29.
Registration and Packet Pickup Thursday 6:00-8:00pm at Sand Dollar.
Cash, checks and credit cards will be accepted.
Entry Fee - $40 per youth angler person.
Family Entry - $240 Includes up to 4 Children and 2 Adults
Adult – Food/Drink Ticket - $25
All registered participants will receive a wrist band which must be worn and is required to weigh-in a fish and to be served food and beverages at either of the dinner events.
9) Fishing starts at 5:00 am on Friday, July 30. The scales will open at 4:00 pm and close at 6:00 pm on Friday and will open at 3:00 pm and close at 6:00pm. on Saturday July 31. Participants must check in with the Weigh-Master assistant before 6:00pm on Saturday, July 31st to have their fish weighed.
10A) Prizes will be awarded for inshore rig and blue water
Speckled Trout
Redfish between 16” and 27”
White Trout
Sail cat / Gaff top Catfish
Red Snapper
Mangrove Snapper
Yellow fin
Black fin
10B) Family Division Family Championship Rules *must register as a family to be eligible for the Family Championship*
There will be an inshore family champion and an offshore family champion. Each division will be weighed as a three fish aggregate (3 different species from the division -- i.e. combined weight of your largest speckled trout, redfish, and flounder). Team must weigh in all three species to qualify (i.e. Trout, Redfish Flounder.) If no teams weigh in three separate species, then heaviest of two species wins. If no team weighs in two species, then heaviest single fish wins
11) It is the responsibility of each participant to read and follow all the rules of the Salty Kids Fishfest and those mandated by State and Federal Regulation.
12) It is expressly understood that all participants in the Salty Kids Fishfest enter at their own risk, and that the ClimbBack Foundation, Sand Dollar Marina, and sponsors of the Salty Kids Fishfest, and all persons connected directly or indirectly with the operation of said fishfest shall be exempt from any liability for libel, slander, loss, damage, negligence, harm, injury or death suffered by any participants, boat captains, crew members, vessels and equipment which may occur during or in connection with the FishFest. All participants, by their attendance at the FishFest, agree to indemnify The ClimbBack Foundation, Salty Kids FishFest, and Sand Dollar Marina. By FishFest entry the captain or owner consents that the Salty Kids FishFest may use without payment or restriction, any photographs in which he/she or any of their crew may appear for any purpose what so ever, including but not limited to resale, advertising, commercial or promotional material. The captain, owners and his crew further release the Salty Kids FishFest operators, sponsors, and all persons directly or indirectly related to the FishFest from injury, illness, loss or damage that may result from participation in this FishFest.